Tests of Life

It’s just one of those times in life, Father, where I am bone-weary. It is a trying time, but I have to keep reminding myself that I don’t need to carry it all alone. You are there and You will never leave me. May I find comfort in You. Amen.

John 14:22-26 (<<click here to read the passage)

I would think that there would be very few who would enjoy taking a test. I was a passable student but by no means a stellar one. One thing though, I am a better student in my adulthood than in my youth!

Some topics come easy for us; some are much more challenging. Some people have the kind of mind that can hang on to details of their studies and recall them with little stress or anxiety when they sit to take a test over it all. Others can work at it but are unable to bring very many specifics to mind as they sit before their blank exam sheet.

Open book tests were not a whole lot better. Yeah, you could use your books, but you still had to be familiar enough with it all to find the needed information in a timely manner.

Then, of course, some are tempted to shortcut the system by copying another person’s work or by some nefarious means to bring all the answers with them in an attempt to gain a passing grade.

Living life as a genuine follower of Jesus Christ in a lot of ways is a daily test. Sometimes things come pretty easily, while other aspects of our lives find us running down a trail of thought only to realize that it’s all wrong. Much to our dismay, we realize that Jesus would never do this or think that! And then we backpedal in an attempt to clear ourselves of the wreckage in which we find ourselves.

Jesus wants us to be victorious but realizes too that we are far from perfect. We fail. We fumble. We fall. And ofttimes it’s not just a small stumble but is a full faceplant onto the rocky courses of life! Some of the tests of life we can pass, no problem but others, it’s like we don’t even know where to begin!

But Jesus has provided all we need to ace the tests of life! Verse 26 of today’s passage says,

But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. NLT

What better way to go through a test than to have the Author of the Book right beside you, the whole way along! Too often we are determined to do it all on our own. But we need to understand that we can’t! Only in a partnership with Jesus Christ can we succeed. He brings the victory where we so often fail!

Lord Jesus, may we call out to You! You listen for our call. You provide the answers to our questions and when we don’t understand or don’t get the answers we want, may we trust You. Amen.

Sept 14th, 2021, Tues, 12:44 pm

Love and Obey

I am trusting in You this day, Father. Many things are clamoring for me to fret over them, but I cling to You. Fretting accomplishes nothing. In You I find rest.

John 14:15-21 (<<click here to read the passage)

More often than not, love and obedience go hand in hand. If you love someone, you’ll do what they say. You will not go against their desires; you will be eager to fulfill them. There are many instances as well when we obey out of fear but if you truly love someone you will do whatever it takes to do what they want to be done. That’s how we show our love.

In parent/child relationships, children will obey their parents on many different fronts. It’s not always just to stay out of trouble. Many times, we obey because we love our parents, so much so, that we don’t want to hurt them by disobeying them. We love our parents by obedience. The same goes for our relationships with significant others in our lives – boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives.

So, when Jesus says in verse 15,

“If you love me, obey my commandments.” NLT

…and then again in the first part of verse 21,

“Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me.” NLT

…what should we do? What should we do if we truly love Him, because we have to understand without the slightest doubt that He first loved us? If we love Him, we need to obey His commandments – no excuses, no beating around the bush, no rationalizations. We. Need. To. Obey.

We know what we should do…but it is a challenge for 99.9% of us! It doesn’t make sense, but we struggle so. He died for us. He paid the price for our sin with his own life’s blood! And again and again, we falter…we fail…we disobey, over and over and over again…

Some never think twice about it…others weep over it all… How could I do that to Him? How could I hurt Him so? He loves me more than I can even begin to comprehend, and I disobey his commandments – love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself…the absolute core of all the commandments – and I choose to disobey time and time and time again.

Lord Jesus, forgive us! We know You will. Maybe that is part of our problem is that we know You will, but, O Savior, help us we pray! Give us the burning desire within our hearts to not yield to selfish desires. Help us to seek what pleases Your heart not our own. We are weak…but You are strong! May we fall into Your arms of grace and mercy! May we seek with all that we are to love You by obeying Your commandments! Amen! So be it!

Sept 13th, 2021, Mon, 12:34 pm

The Ultimate Responsibility

Father, as I come before You tonight, I feel the need to climb up onto Your lap. I need Your mighty arms to hold me tightly. A storm is brewing, and I am close enough that I will surely feel its effects. I place my trust in You, it is a blessed assurance to be found in You. Amen.

John 14:6-14(<<click here to read the passage)

I have probably alluded to this before, but school bus drivers carry an extensive amount of responsibility! Many may think, “Yeah, right! You just get kids back and forth from home and school.” But if that is what you boil it all down to, then you are sadly mistaken! That may be the end result, but it encompasses so much more!

We have to be able to drive a 15-ton vehicle, abiding by all the rules of the road, through all types of weather. While doing that we have to keep control of close to 50 kids, all by ourselves in most cases. Our eyes are constantly on the move, from our dashboard to the road, to the surrounding area, to the kids in the front, middle, and back of the bus! I love what I do but it is not for the faint of heart. It is truly one of those jobs that you pretty much have to have a calling to do.

Something to put it into perspective…if while in your care, one child was seriously injured or – God forbid – killed, how would that affect you? My fullest route, my afternoon elementary route, has as many as 42 children ranging in age from 5 to 11. What in the world would I do if while I was driving all 42 were injured or worse? I have read of drivers who having lost one child could not live with themselves and in time took their own lives due to their grief.

Truly it can be overwhelming, so we absolutely must be on top of things every moment that we are under that responsibility!

Now, what if I told you there is something even more important than what I do for a living? It involves even more lives, and, in this instance, death is but a threshold we all must cross. It is not the end, but merely a crossing.

We who claim to follow Jesus Christ have the ultimate responsibility to lead others to Him. Where I consciously focus on what I do every time is sit behind the wheel of my bus, I would dare say that for many of us, focusing even occasionally on sharing Christ with others and assuring that they are aware of the salvation that is found only in Him, doesn’t even cross our minds!

We may exclaim defensively, “I’m doing good to get through everything else in my life. I can’t be expected to keep up with all that, too!”

But that rings empty and hollow.

As Jesus spoke with his disciples, He said,

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” vs12-14

Jesus has set Himself before us. Yes, we are doing as He commands, but He gives Himself over to us! We are not alone. We are His representatives and unlike any earthly leader, He can empower us to accomplish whatever we need to accomplish! He will give us all that we need to do His will!

Lord Jesus, empower us! Embolden us! Make us what we need to be to serve as You have called us to serve! And may we do it all in Your mighty name! Amen!

Sept 12th, 2021, Sun, 7:40 pm

It Has Begun!

Father, there are things beyond my control. The only thing I can possibly do is to continue to place my trust in You. You know every bit of it. You alone know what needs to happen. May Your perfect will be done. Amen.

John 14:1-7 (<<click here to read the passage)

It has begun. As I was heading out to mow the church this past weekend there was a tree with leaves beginning to turn a little red and a little orange. Driving along one portion of my bus route, soybean fields on both sides of the road are transitioning to yellow. It got down to 53° last night and I had to actually turn a bit of heat on in my bus this morning. Pumpkins are on porches and pumpkin spice is beginning to tighten its grip on our society. Autumn…it has begun!

At this point in John’s Gospel, the last week of Jesus’ life before his crucifixion has begun. That’s where we are and we, just like the disciples, have a lot to learn. Jesus has done His best but His time to teach is coming to a close and now His teaching is coming fast and furious. Jesus’ last week…has begun!

When that first heartbeat takes place in the recesses of our mother’s womb…it has begun. From that moment on eternity lies ahead of us. It may seem strange but every breath we take brings us one step closer to the end of this life and the crossing of the threshold into whatever arena we have chosen – eternal condemnation – or eternal peace in the presence of God. We alone will decide that. It is for us to choose. For all who read this post, know that your choice for eternity…it has begun!

May we realize the importance of where we are and where we are headed. So many other things clamor for prominence in our mind’s eye. This needs done. That needs done. These are my priorities. This is what I want to accomplish, today, tomorrow…with my life. But what are they? When we do finally take our last breath…what then? Will all the effort we have taken to store up “treasures” in heaven have been worth it? Will they turn to dust and be forgotten? Or have we stored up the true treasures of heaven – the things that will truly last for eternity? Things like love, and hope, and faith…all based on the solid foundation of our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! For He and no other can claim,

“I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” v6 AMP

It has begun…how will you finish?

Sept 9th, 2021, Thurs, 12:58 pm


Be Transparent

Father, You have come to mind several times today. It is surely comforting, and it readily reminds me of our relationship and there’s nothing better to keep me on track! Blessed be the name of the Lord!
John 14:1-7 (<<click here to read the passage)
The Apostle Thomas’ name is often joined with the moniker “doubting”. But if you really think about it, I would say that he was just a transparent person. He didn’t try to hide anything – he was who he was. He wasn’t out to impress anybody. And I don’t think he had foot-in-mouth issues as did Peter. If he had thoughts of importance, he spoke his mind, not really caring who thought he was silly and should have just kept his mouth shut. If anything, he probably just asked what everyone else was thinking.
Three times in John’s Gospel we find a record of what Thomas said.
As we spoke about in the post, A Clearer Perspective, traveling to see Lazarus in Bethany was a dangerous sojourn. It was just on the outskirts of Jerusalem and the religious elite were looking for any excuse to take Jesus out. In the midst of this situation, Thomas said,

“Let’s go, too—and die with Jesus.” John 11:16 NLT

In today’s passage, Jesus stated that He was going to prepare a place for them and that when everything was ready, He would come and get them, so that they would always be with Him where He was.
He wrapped it up by saying, “And you know the way to where I am going.”
Thomas’ response?

“No, we don’t know, Lord. We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?” John 14:5 NLT

It was an innocent, heartfelt reply. It was short-sighted considering all they had experienced with over the last three and half years interacting with Jesus day in and day out, but Thomas wasn’t being problematic so much as honest and straightforward. And we can be pretty sure that everyone else, being in the same spot Thomas was, was thinking the same thing.
His third statement occurs in John 20:24–29.
Jesus had been crucified. He was dead. He had been buried. But then almighty God resurrected Him, and Jesus then appeared before them behind locked doors…but Thomas wasn’t there. No matter what the other disciples said, Thomas just couldn’t process it, …he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.” John 20:25b NLT
He just said what he felt. Would any of the others if they had not seen it with their own eyes, would they have so readily accepted it? Probably not, and I would dare say that neither would we.
Thomas was your ordinary, run-of-the-mill person. He was not perfect in his thoughts and how he processed things, but he most definitely was forthright. Jesus corrected him, as it should be. But we know exactly where Thomas was, we know what he was thinking, and most importantly…we can relate.
Lord Jesus, You may set us straight when we are out of line, but we are never rejected for being open and honest. You welcome our questions, our proclamations…and even our doubts with open arms. May be we always transparent and moving forward in our relationship with You. Amen.

Sept 8th, 2021, Wed, 12:52 pm

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