Father, this morning, as I think back over the past few months, I once again acknowledge that I owe everything I am to You. This time that we have together was, at one point, only something I longed for, then it became something with which I struggled. Only because of You was I able to overcome things that were holding me back, things that were constantly entangling me! Thank You, Father! Life is not perfect; I still have my struggles, but it is different now. In Your strength alone am I victorious. Praise Your holy Name!

Colossians 4:3-4 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, You would think that being Your follower for all these years, that being a minister for so long, that this would be a normal activity in my life – but it isn’t. There may be factors, but for too long, they were basically just excuses…

In these verses, Paul asks that the Colossians pray that God will give him and those with him many opportunities to share God’s “mysterious” plan concerning Christ. His objective was to ensure that it was no longer a mystery, for he wanted all to realize Christ’s Good News of salvation from sin. He then asks for prayer that he would proclaim this Good News as clearly as he should.

Lord Jesus, You have been working with me in this area. I am still a newbie on this front, but You are patiently working with me. Please forgive my failings to take advantage of opportunities given – my hesitancy, as well. Please continue to bolster my confidence in You. In my own strength and wisdom, I am doomed to failure! Only through Your strength and wisdom will success be found! I would ask that more and more that I would see others as You see them. I know You are at work in my life. When my preconceived mindsets kick in, I feel You pulling up on the reigns and encouraging me to stop and think. Then help me to act as You would act.

Thank You for the opportunity and the courage to act this past week at work. I did not know the gentleman in our break room; I had seen him before but had not spoken to him. When he sat down and began to eat, I really didn’t think much about it, but as time passed, I believe You allowed me to see him through Your eyes. He said nothing, but he communicated despair, heartache, loneliness. He did not weep, but the way he touched his face and combed his fingers through his thinning hair spoke to me; seeing what You saw almost brought me to tears! And then You clearly spoke to me, and boy did I struggle! You said, “Speak to him.” My mind raced! There are other people here – what would they think? What am I supposed to say?! “Hey, you look like you’re in despair. Want to talk?” I tried to fend it off, but You pushed on.  I packed up my things and put them away, and before I left, I sat across from him and introduced myself. He was a men’s clothing rep who was in the store regularly. I shared my appreciation for reps, and all they do, and that was it. I broke the ice – I had made contact. It scared me to death, but Lord, You helped me! Afterward, I sincerely prayed that I would see him again soon and that You would use me to touch him. Lord, help me to “proclaim [Your] message as clearly as I should” with him and others You bring my way.

Thank You, Lord, for Your loving patience!

(July 3rd, 2015, Fri 5:27 am)|
July 2nd, 2024, Tues, 11:17 pm