Father, the ebb and flow of life sure make it challenging. I truly believe You use all of my ups and downs to help me to grow – to stretch me. Right now, life, in general, is on an even keel, but my spiritual life is a little wonky. I want to spend time with You, but part of me keeps throwing things into the works to hinder me. I’m not waking up early enough to do this, and so I don’t. I feel like You are saying, “It’s time to grow up. I love You, but it is not in your best interest to continue on as a child. I am here, and I always will be, but it’s time for you to take responsibility. I want to spend time with you, but you need to take the initiative to take action.” Father, I know You believe I can – help me not to let You down. Help me to grow up. Amen – so be it. (This is still my heart’s desire!)

1 Thessalonians 3:6-10 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, I realize that getting together with fellow believers is of utmost importance. Your word encourages us to “not give up meeting together” (Hebrews 10:25). But just as important is what we do for each other in the in-between times. When we remain strong in our faith, we encourage the believers to remain strong in their faith. “It gives us new life to know that [others] are standing firm in the Lord.” vs.8

Lord, help me to pray for my fellow believers: those who are near, those who are far, and those I don’t even know. Help me to be grateful for them – may they be inspirational to me to keep on keeping on. Help me to pray faithfully for them. And, Lord, help to pray for more than just physical things – though they are important as well. But help me to pray for their relationship with You. I struggle spiritually, and I know that I am not alone. We all struggle. Our world and our very nature are constantly attempting to pull us from You. We want what we want. We want the easiest path. We’re tired and worn out and just want to crash…and rest…and sleep. Help us all to get that “new life” by encouraging each other to remain strong in our faith.

(July 21st, 2015, Tues, 7:48 am)
July 15th, 2024, Mon, 12:39 pm