Father, there are times when I truly feel in synch with You and Your will. Other times, I feel off-balance. I ask that you please help me get back into synchronization with You. Amen.

1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, this passage highlights an important spiritual concept for Paul – the idea that we are to be so full of love that it overflows! Some time ago, I wrote of overflowing when he spoke of it in Philippians 1:9 (Overflow)

In this particular passage, the love that should “grow and overflow” is all-inclusive – it is to be a “love for one another and for all people.” My Life Application Study Bible makes an excellent point. “It’s not enough merely to be courteous to others, we must actively and persistently show love to them. Our love should be growing continually.”

Lord, it’s just so natural to take the easiest path. Instead of letting our love overflow, we just want the way we love to go with the flow. If it’s convenient – sure, I can love. If it’s going to make me leave my comfort zone – eh, is it really that important? But it is that important – love is important.

When it comes to newsworthiness, be it TV or the internet, there is an overwhelming amount of junk to jump into and bury ourselves in. But…even in those venues, love gets everyone’s attention. Stories that show love for fellow dwellers of earth, whether human or not, stop us in our tracks – they go “viral” for good reason.

As human beings, we are drawn to love! For many, it is a rare “gem” to be unearthed. Even if the “gem” of stone is given to someone else, we have to see it! Our heart’s desire is that we might find that “gem,” too! Why won’t someone give me that “gem”?

Genuine gems are rare – so is genuine love. Lord, You told us (John 13:35) that “everyone will know that [we] are [Your] disciples, if [we] have love for one another.”

Your statement is fact, and it must be fleshed out in our lives every day! Genuine gems are valuable – imitation gems not so much. The same goes for love. Manufactured love doesn’t go very far, but genuine love? People are drawn to it. Lord, if we would just continually grow and cultivate Your love in us, there will be plenty to go around. We can give and give, and there will always be more. Your love knows no end; it just continues to multiply!

Lord, Jesus, help me to love as You love. May I be a vessel where Your love can be cultivated so much that its abundance will be available to all!

(July 22nd, 2015, Wed, 5:57 am)
July 16th, 2024, Tues, 3:03 pm