Another beautiful day, all thanks to You, Father! I pray that I have used the time given me to do and say and be what has given You the most glory! For You alone are worthy, praise Your holy name!

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, today’s passage is totally pertinent in the world where I find myself. In our downfall, we are a sex-driven society, and it is nigh impossible not to be impacted by it. TV, internet, magazines, email, music, Facebook, movies, our attire – EVERYTHING is sex laden! It is very difficult for me and almost everyone else not to be affected in some way! But you call us to be HOLY, and being holy means to be set apart. Being “like You” means being “different from the world.” (

Lord, following You means I want to be like You! You are holy, so I am to be holy. Your Word clearly calls us to sexual purity. I am called to love You with all of my heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love others as I love myself (Luke 10:27). To be very clear here, this is to be Your definition of love, not the world’s. So, if I am to fulfill the command to love, I will not do anything that would make me hurt someone else from a sexual perspective. Obviously, I will take no physical action sexually, but even thinking sexual thoughts is harmful outside the context of my marital relationship. It is detrimental to me, and if it became known to Karen or any other party to whom I am having sexual thoughts, it would be detrimental to them as well. Detrimental does not equal love.

Lord, the culture in which I live bucks this like crazy, but sex outside of a marital relationship is sin! This is the only context in which we can be 100% committed, and that is to our husband or wife. Marriage is a covenantal relationship – to love (by Your definition) till “death us do part.” I know it’s not easy, but it’s the way it is supposed to be! Anything else and in any other context, and we are outside of Your will…no matter how solid a relationship is.

Lord, protect our marriages – keep them pure. Help us to love each other as You have called us to. Lord, help those outside of marital relationships to be pure and avoid the pitfalls of sexual interaction. For those who have not crossed that line – keep them strong and help them wait. For those who have fallen, please give them a fresh start, a clean slate, as they seek Your love and forgiveness. Help us all, all followers of You, to be set apart – to be different from the world!

(July 23rd, 2015, Thurs, 7:17 am)
July 17th, 2024, Wed, 6:03 pm