What a packed last few days we have had, Father! Thank You for the abundant support of a loving family as we continued to work through some of the last big areas of the home of a family that were called home to You! Enable us to carry out the work that is remains.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, it’s been 2000 years since You returned to Your Father and we still eagerly await Your return! The length of time does not dispel our hope and the assurance that Your arrival is imminent. Lord, help me to be diligent in the work You have for me! May I be sensitive to You as You bring others across my path. Embolden me. Give me the words. Fill me with Your love, so deep and wide. Thank You for Your long-suffering patience, for You did not come “into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through” Yourself (John 3:17). Thank You for loving us so! Praise Your holy name forever and ever!

(July 25th, 2015, Sat, 5:33 am)
July 22nd, 2024, Mon, 9:45 pm