Father, as I look ahead, I ask for Your watchful care over my family. Keep us safe and keep us in the center of Your will. Help us love each other and make the most of our time together, whether over the phone or in person. Help me to keep my heart fixed upon You—to be motivated by what You would do. Help me to be a true reflection of You in all I say and do.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-28 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, my being holy (my sanctification) is wholly dependent upon You. I cannot sanctify myself. Some days, it feels like I can barely keep myself pointed in the right direction. All I can really do is to totally give myself over to You totally (spirit, soul, and body). You have given me free will, and I willingly give my life over to You. Who but the creator of me would know best? You alone know what is now (in its entirety) and what will be (in all its possibilities).

Again, Lord, Paul refers to You as “the God of peace,” and again, from my many experiences, I know most assuredly that true peace is found only in You. Any peace I can generate is short-lived—and probably even that little bit rightly must be attributed to You.

Only You can make me holy. Only You keep me blameless in my entirety (spirit, soul, and body). Only You “will make this happen,” for You call me, and You are faithful. You are my everything. I find completion only in You. Help me to be all You want me to be! Help me to live my life to the fullest—fulfilling Your call with every breath! Amen—so be it!

(August 8th, 2015, Sat, 5:59 am)
Aug 1st, 2024, Thurs, 9:22 am