Father, thank You for a productive and enjoyable yesterday with Karen. Thank You for Your watch care over us. Thank You for our relationship. I am truly blessed! Bless her this day, Father, and help me to love her more and more each day.

1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, this is a good reminder from Paul. Lots of things are proclaimed in my world. Some are obviously true, and some are blatantly false. The challenge comes with those things that are in between – things that are not so clearly black and white. I am so grateful that You are there to help me discern what is good and what is evil. Help me to listen to Your direction. Our natural tendency is to just go with the flow – we don’t wait to stick out – we want everyone to like us. Just because good people around us accept something or someone as good doesn’t mean that that is the case. And sometimes, good people reject something or someone because they label them as evil, and unfortunately, the “love” factor is totally rejected as well. Again, Lord, I ask for discernment. Sometimes the crowd is right, but sometimes Your desire is for us to see through the layers. Many wear masks – in both the realms of good and evil. Help me see through the duplicity of some who claim to be good but who are hiding things detrimental to Your kingdom. Then, help me to read between the lines, to hear between the words, to see under the layers of protection, to see those that many would just right off as useless. God is at the core – help me not to miss it. Help me not just to reject them because they don’t measure up to acceptable norms.

(August 7th, 2015, Fri, 7:48 am)
July 31st, 2024, Wed, 7:43 pm