Father, we have a full day ahead of us. Please help me focus on the important things. In everything I do, enable me to do what pleases You. Use me today as an instrument to further Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, just a few verses back, Paul spoke of prayer, and here he does it again. Prayer cannot be an occasional thing- we must be diligent! Every aspect of our lives – day in, day out – must be covered in prayer. You can use absolutely any element of our day to accomplish Your will.

I ask, Lord, that You would heighten my senses—my spiritually sensitive senses—so that I would be aware of every opportunity that comes my way. Help me not to be oblivious to what You need me to accomplish. Enable me to look people in the eye, to peer into their souls, and to truly empathize with them in the situation in which they find themselves. Help me to love as You love and to act when needed.

Lord, You are faithful! Strengthen me. Guard me from evil. Use me as you will.

(Aug 20th, 2015, Thurs, 8:36 am)
Aug 7th, 2024, Wed, 7:44 am