Thank You, Father, for a productive day yesterday. I am so grateful that You are not just God of the big things but that You are with me through all the many little things of life. My heart’s desire is to give You today to use as You see fit. Use me to touch the many people I will encounter.

2 Thessalonians 3:6-18 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, in our lives, the word “work” can quite often be considered a four-letter word. Some avoid it like the plague; others are totally consumed by it. Today, Lord, may I find the right balance of where work should factor in to my life. No matter what work I do, may I do it to please You. May I be diligent and work with the utmost integrity. Then, on the other hand, it helps me to not get so caught up with the task at hand that I neglect to see the people that cross my path – family, friends, work associates, customers, and total strangers. Help me to see them through Your perspective.

Once again, even as we came together this morning You, from the start, directed my thoughts to the topic of this morning’s scripture before I had even read it. Jesus, thank You for loving me and guiding me. Thank You for Your patience. Help me to love You more and more each day.

(Aug 21st, 2015, Fri, 6:18 am)
Aug 8th, 2024, Thurs, 1:36 pm