Dear precious Father, I am so grateful that You made it possible for us to have a personal, intimate relationship. That You would love me so much to pursue me even after my habitual unfaithfulness to You is astounding. Only because of Your love for me can I remain faithful to You. Sin continues to entice me and will do so throughout the rest of my life, but with Your strength and wisdom, I am victorious! Praise Your Holy Name!

1 Timothy 1:1-11 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, this passage has my head spinning! Help me focus on what You would have me see today.

Paul says “the law is good when used correctly.” v8 It is important for me to know the law, gaining knowledge of right and wrong, but it is to my detriment (and others, for that matter)  if a majority of my time is consumed in such pursuits. It’s possible that I can invest too much time in dissecting and discussing minute points of the law.

Again, it’s important to know the law. But Paul stresses that “the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful…” v9a

My goal is to be “filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.” v5 I am called to live out that love and to proclaim the glorious Good News of salvation through Christ – through You, Lord!

Being so “law” minded seems to lead us to be too legalistic and judgmental in our interactions with the world – with those for whom the law is. But not one of us likes to be berated about our lifestyles and our life choices.

The old adage, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” comes to mind. Lord, help me to love others as You love them. Help me to invest myself in them. Help me to be a reflection of You in their lives—genuine, wholesome, transparent, loving, truthful, and compassionate. Lord, shine through me!

Without a doubt, I believe that You love us. Every encounter recorded in the Gospels (the Good News) that you had with sinners was filled with compassion and understanding. You told them the truth, but it was always communicated with love! You didn’t say their sin was acceptable, but your overwhelming emphasis was true, genuine LOVE! Use me, Lord, to love like You do!

(Aug 22nd, 2015, Sat, 7:50 am)
Aug 11th, 2024, Sun, 7:34 pm