Father, today may I be a vessel used of You. All that I do and say, all that I have had a hand in, may it all be used by You to lift You up so others can see You more clearly. As John the Baptist said of Your Son, “He must increase but I must decrease.” (John 3:30). May this be my proclamation today.

1 Timothy 2:1 (<<click here to read the passage)

I am called to pray, Lord, for all people.” This, obviously, is an all-inclusive statement, and that is how it must be. As I think about the width of it, “all” includes a lot of people who don’t think like I do. It includes literally millions who don’t think like You do! But You very clearly call me to “ask [You] to help them.” You call me to “intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” That is one tall order! And the thing is that it is way more than people just not thinking like You do. They oppose You! Many deny Your very existence! But You called us to pray for them, to ask that You help them, to intercede on their behalf, to be thankful for them! Yes…that is a tall order, but how can I do anything less? All I have to do is to look at our relationship – Yours and mine. Have I done anything to deserve Your love? No… Am I worthy, in and of myself, to be accepted by You? No… The only thing that enables this sinner to stand in Your presence is the fact that I have accepted Your love and forgiveness – grace has been extended and gratefully accepted. (Thank You, Lord…)

Lord, help me to pray, and intercede, and thank You for those who are not a part of Your family…yet! And help me do it one person at a time, each and every day!

(Aug 28th, 2015, Fri, 6:49 am)
Aug 15th, 2024, Thurs, 3:04 pm