Father, You are worthy of all my praise! Each and every day, You fill my life with blessing after blessing, and I don’t thank You nearly enough. Every breath I take, every beat of my heart, every sight I behold, every sound I hear, every single thing! – is from Your generous hand! I deserve none of it and have earned none of it, but You give and give. Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful gift of life and for the utterly unfathomable gift of salvation enabling me to be blessed with Your presence and love for all eternity!

1 Timothy 2:2-4 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, the passage points out one of my many failings – praying for “all who are in authority.” Now right up front, I totally understand that You love everyone – no exclusions. There is absolutely no one so separated from You that Your love cannot reach. I accept those truths. I embrace them.

My failing is not the inability to love them (which can be a challenge), but my failing is that I don’t pray for them nearly enough – in fact, I rarely do! It is so much easier to complain about them and to share my dislike for them; those are the things on which I focus.

I would ask Lord, that You would burden my heart to pray for those in authority – those in my community, our schools, my family, at work, our civil servants, our government officials (on every level from township to the oval office), our military. Even those who are from other countries and not my own, we all need You in our lives “for You want everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” Help me to pray as such!

(Aug 30th, 2015, Sun, 6:53 am)
Aug 18th, 2024, Sun, 4:19 pm