Father, thank You for a good night’s sleep. It seems that in recent weeks (months?), that has become a rarity. My personal prayer warrior (my mom!) has been interceding for me. Thank You for hearing and answering those prayers!


Lord, Jesus, today I feel compelled to save the next portion of scripture for the next time we come together. I feel the need just to write this morning. As I look back over my life, Lord, You have been there every step of the way. Through every heartache and trial, through every victory and all the joy, You have been by my side. I have been obedient, and I have rebelled, but You have never given up on me. The word “grateful” doesn’t even begin to express how I feel.

As I wondrously proclaim, “Even before You made the world, You loved me and chose me in You to be holy and without fault in Your eyes.” (Ephesians 1:4) That’s like forever, but I honestly cannot recall a time in my life when I didn’t know You or at least when I didn’t know of You. I was blessed to be born into a family that loved and wholeheartedly strove to serve You. And it went beyond Mom and Dad; four of my grandparents and every one of my aunts and uncles were of the same heart and mind. What a heritage! What a foundation on which to build my life! All the building blocks under me were solidly, securely placed on You! (Ephesians 2:11-22)

Now, clearly, I did not pop out of the womb perfect and without fault (Lord, You know that is true!), but Your hand has guided me. You have aligned my heart with Yours. Over the course of my life, I have wandered, I have blatantly sinned, I have hurt You and dirtied Your name in the process, but I could never go beyond Your reach. The pull of Your love has always brought me back.

After 50+ years of living, some may look at who I am and what I’ve accomplished, and they may shake their heads and think that I really haven’t done a whole lot with my life. I don’t have a huge bank account; I live in a nice but modest home, and I have not ascended the ladder of success (by human standards) in the business world or in any denomination I have served. But Lord…I am where You have placed me. I faithfully serve as Your child in my home, at my job, and in the two (now three!) churches with which You have blessed me.

No, I am definitely not perfect. I stumble. I fall. But I am not defeated. Lord, You patiently work with me each and every day. You encourage me. You direct me. You help me. You encourage me. I am blessed beyond measure!

I am full of joy! I am content – but not to the point of complacency. I would follow You anywhere You would lead me, but for now, I am where You want me to be – in the center of Your will. Please help me to listen. Help me to continue to expand my horizons in You – to draw closer to You, to more and more be able to hear Your direction, and to have the courage and wisdom to do and be all that You desire for me to do and be. There is no better place than here!

Sept 20th, 2015, Sun, 6:41 am
Sept 5th, 2024, Thurs, 12:58 pm