Many things were running through my mind during Sunday’s sermon, Father. First of all, thank you for Your presence – both times, though. 😉 And then, thank You for showing me, with my own life, that You can teach an old dog new tricks. I am so grateful that Your love broke through like a ray of sunshine to my fog-enshrouded heart! I have known and loved You for most of my life, but not in the way I know and love You today.
One of my regrets is that it took so long. I heard Your call, but it seemed like I just fumbled around and could never make that connection. I know You were reaching out to me. I realize that Your desire was for our relationship to go to a whole other level, but other things kept getting in the way. It is surely Your nature to do so, but thank You for not giving up on me – talk about long-suffering love!
I love where I find myself, but I can take no credit for getting here. Only because of You am I where I am. You are the ever patient teacher. I just finally followed Your teaching. I prayed so many times that You would burden my heart for a deeper relationship with You – I didn’t know how to get there. I tried many things with very little success. But, in looking back I see You used them as stepping stones that were leading me to where I was supposed to be.
Lord, I pray right now that this is a point of a journey that has just begun. Enable me to hold the course. Shore up my defenses against the ploys of the evil one. Strengthen my fortitude so I may continue to stand tall. Use me to further Your kingdom. Help me to shine my light so as to guide others in Your ways. I am all Yours!
(Feb 1st, 2016, Mon, 6:25 am)
Dec 17th, 2024, Mon, 7:58 pm