I realize, Father, that it is only because of Jesus that I can sit in Your presence this morning. I am quite often astounded that I am so eagerly welcomed. I am so grateful that Jesus’ extreme sacrifice and the blood He shed cover my multitude of sins, which is the only reason I can be with You. It saddens me to think of the many; many times I have had to seek forgiveness for the things I have done that were outside of Your will for me. But I am gladdened because though I fall, You would rather I seek Your face instead of turning away, defeated, and not return. Truly, I don’t deserve it. I deserve punishment and death, but grace and mercy are what is extended to me… Thank You, Father, for the most precious of all gifts! May my heart and mind be focused on You this day. Enable me to stay true to You, to live out Your call on my life. Help me to wholeheartedly love You in response to Your love for me, and in so doing, may that love shower those around me. Because I have been so richly blessed, “make me a blessing out of my life may Jesus shine. Make me a blessing to someone today.” It is the least I can do! Fill me this day. I am Yours to use as You will.

(Sept 28th, 2015, Mon, 6:31 am)
Sept 16th, 2024, Mon, 11:15 am