(I love this prayer! Although it was from 9 years ago, it is still so applicable, even though now it is three groups of wonderful people, not just two!)

Father, as this day begins, my thoughts go towards what it will entail. First, I know I will be a part of two wonderful groups of people. I pray that we will truly worship You in Spirit and truth. May we come together with the expectation of coming into Your presence, eagerly learning from You, and being determined to apply what we have learned to our lives. Secondly, Father, I would ask that You would be with me and Karen in whatever we decide to do. Help us cherish our time together and love each other more and more.

1 Timothy 6:6-10 (<<click here to read the passage)

One of the most alluring things (and quite often one of the most elusive) in life is wealth. Some are content with little; others are not content with much. Our culture has an insatiable desire for “stuff,” and to get it, they must have wealth – and many pursue the acquisition of said wealth by whatever means necessary.

Lord, it’s a struggle! We all want our needs met, but where do we draw the line? How much is enough? When does our “enough” cross the line over to too much? Lord, help me to find contentment with what I have. Help me be wise in how I use what You have given me so my needs will be met and I can give to others in need, too. Please help me control the wealth in my life and prevent it from controlling me. Help me obsess over what is truly important – my relationship with You and how that, in turn, impacts my relationship with others. Then may I not obsess over what is “here today and gone tomorrow.” “After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it” v.7

(Sept 27th, 2015, Sun, 6:26 am)
Sept 15th, 2024, Sun, 5:28 pm