*FYI – I wrote this post simply because I love my wife! It doesn’t mark an anniversary of any nature. We started dating on March 15, 1983 (see, I remember!) and got married on June 14, 1986. This past summer, we celebrated 38 years of marriage!
2 Timothy 2:1 (<<click here to read the passage)
You have greatly blessed me, Father. I am sure it would be very difficult to make a list of my blessings without missing something. But one of my most cherished blessings is Karen. You orchestrated our coming together. And though we have been through good times and bad, You have been with us. With Your holding us so close to You, You’ve held us close to each other. Thank You so much for answered prayers. I have never been a perfect companion, but You continue to work on me, and I still ask of You that I continue striving to be the husband she deserves. Each day, help me see her through Your eyes, love her with Your heart, and enfold her with Your arms. Help us to be the couple You have called us to be – to impact our world with the Good News of which we are so blessed to be a part. Thank You, Father.
And, Father, at this moment, I would pray for husbands that I know in particular. Some men have been husbands for many years, help them to cherish the time they have remaining. Help them to continue to give themselves over to You so they will be able to sacrificially love their wives no matter what life throws at them, illness, disease, or loss of mental faculties. Help them to “be strong [constantly strengthened] and empowered in the grace that is [to be found only] in Christ Jesus.” v1 AMP For sometimes we have to be strong for her and ourselves.
Then I would pray for those husbands going through the transitions of life – changes in the body, changes into “empty-nester” mode. Every stage of life has its challenges – we can remain victorious when we remain in You!
Then, lastly, Father, I would pray for young husbands. I know so many who are still basically newlyweds. New lives together, new additions to be loved as well. Father, may You be with these young men – sojourners on a great new adventure! Give them strength; give them fortitude. Early on may they find that dependence upon You will change everything for the best. The sooner they grasp that truth, the better.
Father, help us all to give ourselves over to You so that You can use us to touch the lives of those around us. In and through You, we can change the world!

(Oct 31st, 2015, Sat, 8:41 am)
Oct 8th, 2024, Tues, 10:52 am