What a day! Thank You, Father, for Your precious presence and guidance. May my prayers and actions bring your will to fruition. Amen.

Philippians 4:8-9 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, how appropriate this passage is in today’s world. Our world is so full of distractions. Sometimes, they are innocent enough, but they take time that should be allocated to other, more important things (Facebook!) Sometimes, they play on our weaknesses and lure us into things that are detrimental to our relationship with You. Sometimes, these things are subtle, a harmless show – then a commercial pops up, and that seed is planted in our mind. Sometimes, our own minds truck down the path of destruction. A brief thought pricks our mind, and we dwell on it; we mull it over…and look at it…examining it from different angles. You send warning flares up, and we turn our backs. Before you know it, we are up to our necks and in trouble. The thing is, these things can be as simple as games on our phones, reels on Instagram, or even temptations of a sensual nature. So, how do we avoid this oft-repeated scenario? We’re “fixing our thoughts” in the wrong direction.

Through Paul, You tell us in the passage to “fix our thoughts on what is true…admirable.” We are to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” What goes in is what’s going to come out. We can’t expect to put garbage in and to get purity out. A nice, clean glass of pure water can be ruined with just a pinch of dirt. Help us not to soil our hearts.

Then also, we are called to “fix our thoughts on” good stuff, but if we don’t put it into action, how are we the better for it? Just as sin can flutter through our mind, and if we reject it and don’t act upon it – we’re good. But if we play with it and act on it – we get hurt.

Just as sin impacts us in this way, Paul’s list can impact us, as well—or not. Good can flutter through our minds, and if we reject it and don’t act upon it, we either hurt ourselves or others by not running with what positive and encouraging things could have come out of our actions.

It is much more, “it” being our fellowship with You and the outcome of that relationship; it is much more than good thoughts. Action is a requirement. Long-term impact in our lives and the lives of others depends on us acting on Your guidance and direction, as a result of filling our hearts and minds with what “is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.” When we “think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” and put those thingsinto practice,” then that’s when You, Lord, “the God of peace will be with [us].” And again, it’s a “peace that passes understanding.” Thank You, Lord, for Your love and patience as we learn to follow You.

(June 3rd, 2015, Wed, 7:11 am)
May 21st, 2024, Tue, 7:49 pm