It’s been on the unusual side for me the last several days, but thank You so much, Father, for waking me to spend quality time with You. I’ve benefitted way more from our interaction than a few more hours of sleep.

2 Timothy 2:11-14 (<<click here to read the passage)

Many over the last 2000+ years have given themselves over to You, Lord, in faithful service – while many more have wanted nothing to do with You at all. And it continues today. For those who denied themselves and followed You, our reward will be the privilege of serving with You for eternity. Those who deny following You or, for that matter, even deny Your very existence cannot – simply by their denial – avoid the repercussions of their choice. I truly believe many have the mentality that if they believe You don’t factor in, then that’s it. In their mind, they won’t have to answer to You. We can deny You. We can be unfaithful to You. But that does not change who You are. You will remain faithful to who You are. Just because we don’t believe it does not change the reality of the truth. Many will stand before You on that great Judgment Day and will no longer be able to deny the truth. They will come face to face with their Creator, and there will be no more denial – only incredible, excruciating loss…and separation – eternal separation.

Lord, enable me to be faithful in my calling to You. Give me an urgency to proclaim the salvation that You extend to everyone. Give me the words to say. Help me see through the many layers of pretension people put up. Peirce through the darkness of their lives with Your love. Use me as the conduit to touch them for You.

(Nov 7th, 2015, Sat, 6:57 am)
Oct 15th, 2024, Tues, 5:39 pm