I sit here, Father, I wonder what You have in store for me this day. Certain elements are planned, but in actuality, I realize that every moment is under Your control. Use me this day. May I be attentive to Your voice, may I be obedient to Your direction, and may I be an overflowing vessel of Your love. Amen.

2 Timothy 2:15 (<<click here to read the passage)

(This is a reflection of my time working at a Kohl’s Department Store. At that point, I had been there for almost 15 years.)

The last couple of days at work have been trying, busy enough to not really get in to any big projects but no so busy to not allow for a few lulls. Lord, I am grateful for Your abiding presence, which reminded me to stop playing with my phone and focus on the task at hand. I had a job to do and was being paid, not to entertain myself but to faithfully do my job. I’m also grateful that You are my motivator. In those times, my mind goes to You – not my managers – thinking I need to get back at it. Everything I do reflects on You. My heart’s desire is to please You. And again, I am so grateful to hear Your voice. I truly want to be obedient, for my goal is Your approval.

And more important than any day at Kohl’s is the responsibility I will shoulder this morning. Lord, direct my heart and mind as I fulfill Your calling on my life as Your instrument of teaching to Your people. May I be Your minister throughout this morning – not just in the pulpit. Help me to be attentive to Your will as I am getting ready and dressed, as I eat breakfast, as I drive to each church, when I get out of the van, as I greet others, as I set up, as I sing, as I pray, as I sit and when I stand to proclaim Your word. I pray that I will “be a good worker…who correctly handles the word of truth, “ not just at church or Kohl’s, but every moment of my life.

(Nov 8th, 2015, Sun, 6:32 am)
Oct 16th, 2024, Wed, 7:03 pm