Thank You, Father, for a good night’s sleep. Use me this day so that I may have an impact on the lives of others at home, at church, and in the world. May I be a true reflection of You. Amen.

Hebrews 5:11-14 (<<click here to read the passage)

In this passage, Lord, the writer speaks of believers who never move from a basic knowledge of You and Your ways to a deeper and broader knowledge. This is truly a challenge for many. Others can handle a little “meat” with their “milk,” but they need to be spoon-fed. Once a week, they come to the table and take a few bites, but unfortunately, they are reluctant or are too busy to feed themselves. Another problem is that many ingest way too much junk food – either things that have some spiritual nourishment but are pretty much just fluff or many munch on bags of “nothing” that provide no spiritual sustenance whatsoever, which leads to a very bad case of “truth” decay! Help us, Lord, to strive for better spiritual health.

Another problem some have is being on a good, solid diet but not being spiritually active. We do what we need to do but are, in all honesty, not spiritually fit. We love to sit around and chew the fat, but we don’t work it out in our daily lives. Yes, we need the spiritual “head knowledge,” but if we aren’t doing something with it, not applying it in our lives, we become spiritually overweight, which becomes a detriment to ourselves and others.

Lord, as our great “Trainer,” help us to learn to ingest what benefits us most, and then may we get up and put it all to work for You and Your kingdom!

(Mar 13th, 2016, Sun, 6:25 am)
Feb 16th, 2025, Sun, 5:53 pm