(This prayer was prayed almost 9 years ago. The child and friend, who both valiantly fought their cancer, no longer just have the Father with them, but they are now with the Father! We stand firm in our faith, for, still, we are never alone!)

Father, as my heart turns to You this day, so many needs come to mind…and this is a small cross-section of the physical issues: one who is in need of equipment for better access to her home due to physical problems, a young child finishing up a week of very aggressive chemo with a pending stem cell transplant, a dear friend who is fighting Stage 4 cancer along with recovering from a broken hip, a college friend who recently lost her father…and the list could go on. Father, I am so grateful that You are with each of these people and that though the world may storm about us, we are never alone.

2 Timothy 1:8 (<<click here to read the passage)

“…never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord.”

Jesus, I must say that I am not ashamed to tell others about You, but I must admit that I struggle. Sometimes, I am fearful…will they still like me? Will my sharing hinder future interactions? Sometimes, I am clueless; an opportunity presents itself, and my brain doesn’t grasp it until they have moved on. Lord, from the pulpit, I have no problem with sharing You but face to face in my daily life, I know I can do more…I know I can be more effective.

Lord, I need Your help. Give me courage. Give me wisdom; give me boldness. Enable me to be Your messenger to a world that needs You so desperately.

(Oct 16th, 2015, Fri, 6:37 am)
Sept 30th, 2024, Mon, 5:38 pm