Father, I continue to be amazed at the multifaceted aspects of Your loving-kindness shown to me. In times past, I have spoken of how You gently wake me each and every morning. Some may be quick to say that I am giving credit where no credit is due. They may say that I am just in the habit of waking at a particular time. But as I look back over my entries from our time together, I see that is not the case. The times I wake up are consistently inconsistent. 🙂 Today, it was 6:00; yesterday, it was 4:30; and a few days ago, it was 5:30.
Father, You give me what I need in sleep. You wake me early enough for me to accomplish the tasks at hand for that day. There was even a day this past week when I slept through the night and didn’t wake up until Karen’s alarm went off a bit before 7:00 for her to get up for school! You knew I needed the rest, so You let me sleep.
Father, you love us, and You show us that love in a multitude of ways every day. Many times, we don’t see it because we are just not paying attention. Father, help me to pay attention, for seeing and feeling Your love for me inspires me. For if the Creator of all that there is can take time and make the effort to love me, amongst the billions of souls on this globe, then surely my soul can be enkindled to love others this day and every day.
Lord, I praise You because of who You are
Not just for all the mighty things that You have done
Lord, I worship You because of who You are
You’re all the reason that I need to voice my praise
Because of who You are
– Sandi Patty, Because Of Who You Are, 1991
(Apr 16th, 2016, Sat, 6:06 am)
Mar 23rd, 2025, Sun, 5:09 pm