Father, with Your grace and wisdom and by Your direction things are in place for worship today. Yes, the “things” are ready – bulletins, sermon, PowerPoint – but without Your infilling, Your presence, they will remain “things”. Fill me. Use me. May my heart and the hearts of those present be receptive for the in-planting of Your word. May it not just impact during our time together but may it take root deep within our souls so that it might grow and bear fruit in our lives.
And, Lord, may the fruit that it yields not just sit in a bowl on the shelf of my life – of our lives – but may we share liberally with all those around. May we not allow our society or preconceived mindsets hinder us from sharing with all, regardless of race or creed or religious background or upbringing. You, Lord, let nothing stop You from sharing Your love. May we do likewise. Fill us with Your love and compassion. Strengthen us. Embolden us. Enable us to partake of Your wisdom and power. May our efforts for Your kingdom not be full of us but full of You. Use me do Your will.
(Today’s writing came out of my time reading through my sermon for today. If you would like to read it, here is a link. I would like to acknowledge that due to my bi-vocational status I quite often use other pastors’ sermons and after some personal adjustments use them with my congregations. Credit is always given to the original authors.)
17-03-26 03 – Knowing Christ – A MINISTERING Heart – Humble (2)
Mar 26th, Sun, 6:33 am