I know it’s unusual to be at it twice in one day, Father, but I am compelled to go through the rest of this passage. My first writing wasn’t where I thought I would go, but You had other ideas. Guide my thoughts and my fingers. Amen.

Matthew 8:28-34 (<<click the green)

In my readings of study helps for this portion of scripture, Lord, I came across Charles F. Stanley’s Life Principle Bible Notes and they struck a nerve.

After their large herd of pigs was drowned, “the entire town came out to meet Jesus” and “they begged him to go away and leave them alone.” Some commentators believe they were motivated by fear but many hold that Jesus hit them where it really hurts…their pockets!

This is what Charles Stanley had to say,

They were worried more about their financial welfare than their spiritual health. When they saw Jesus approaching their city, they asked Him to leave. Sadly, we are guilty of this same thing. We have grown accustomed to living with sin, and we don’t want to think about God removing it, especially if it would mean a loss of perceived pleasure or income. But clinging to sin is one of the most deadly things we can do.

As a believer, Lord Jesus, I realize that You are with me 24/7/365. Often when I don’t feel You near it is because I am not looking at You. There are times when the worthless things of this world catch my eye and the here and now bring me up short and I stop and watch. I ignore Your call to safety and security. I am lured to the danger zone which leads to death.

For example, I take advantage of technology all the time. It is a wonderful asset to preparing for worship each week. It makes this blog possible and those two things alone touch untold numbers for eternity and Your Kingdom, Lord. But, as I wrote about earlier, evil is lurking – waiting for a chance to gain entrance, ready to pounce when my guard is let down.

Often it is not something overtly evil but is a distraction. It is something that takes my mind away from what is important – truly important. How much do I miss out on?

Lord, help me to focus on You. As I said, I realize You are with me 24/7/365 – help me to consistently acknowledge Your presence as well. May I not be so easily sidetracked but give my attention to what is of eternal value and not just of the here and now. Amen.

Mar 1st, 2018 Thurs, 8:59 am