It is bright and early, Father, but yesterday just didn’t come together. Speak to me this morning and may I hang on to every word. Amen.

Matthew 8:28-34 (<<click the green)

This particular passage brings a very interesting story in Your life, Lord. Two men, desperately in need of a supernatural intervention, found it in You. They were miraculously released from an oppressive spiritual bondage that I truly believe is still very much a reality today.

Today’s society laughs it off as a legend kind of thing but I am convinced that a lot of the evil we find in our world is because we have delved so deeply into evil, we have revelled in it, we have immersed ourselves in it so that connections are readily accessible for demonic influence in our lives. And it is truly no laughing matter.

A few years while working at Kohl’s there was a family present that had a little girl with them. She couldn’t have been more than three. I didn’t work with them but something had transpired that had set the girl off! She was literally raging with anger and I truly believe that it was not just a toddler’s temper tantrum. Her level of rage went far beyond what any three-year-old could come up with on their own. It was disturbing, to say the least! The only thing that made any sense to me was that she was possessed. The family quickly left the building and to my knowledge, I have never seen them again. I can only imagine what she, and all those around her, was going through!

Lord, You saw these two men and You knew what they were going through. The demons in them knew who You were, too. It is not recorded that You even said anything but we can tell that the demons were terrified finding themselves in Your presence, begging to be cast out of the men and into a “large herd of pigs feeding in the distance.” And at Your command that is exactly what happened. When “the demons came out of the men and entered the pigs… the whole herd plunged down the steep hillside into the lake and drowned in the water.”

Lord, there is more in this account to write about but that will be for later. Right now I would sincerely pray that You would open our eyes. Help us to see what we are exposing ourselves to. The lurking evil that we consume regularly as “entertainment” is adversely affecting us far more than we are willing to acknowledge. Lord, have mercy on us. Touch us. Free us. Amen!

Mar 1st, 2018, Thurs, 5:27 am