Well, Father, it’s one of those days when because I didn’t write last yesterday it’s thrown me off for today! I have allowed many things to wedge their way into my schedule and have not taken time to prepare for tomorrow. So…it is of utmost importance that I take time to quiet my heart and my mind and come before You. Help me to do so. Amen.

Matthew 10:21-39 (<<click the green)

Lord Jesus, as I read through chapter 10 I struggle. This is probably why I have procrastinated so. What You have to say is not “just a spoonful of sugar” that “helps the medicine go down”, to quote that famous philosopher, Mary Poppins. Your words challenged the people of Your time amongst us and they challenge me as well.

All this talk of persecution and rebellion and death is difficult to swallow. I’m not saying “no”, I’m just struggling to take it all in. I want to be obedient. I want to do as You say, for it is best. But…I need Your help. I just cannot do it on my own.

Pastor and author, Max Lucado, is a favorite author of mine. Here is a snippet from his book, The Applause of Heaven, which helps me

Could you use some courage? Are you backing down more than you are standing up? If so, let the Master lead you up the mountain again. Let Him remind you why you should “fear not.” Listen to the time Jesus scattered the butterflies out of the stomachs of His nervous disciples and see if His words help you.

We need to remember that the disciples were common men given a compelling task. Before they were the stained-glassed saints in the windows of cathedrals, they were somebody’s next-door-neighbors trying to make a living and raise a family. They weren’t cut from theological cloth or raised on supernatural milk. But they were an ounce more devoted than they were afraid and, as a result, did some extraordinary things…

Earthly fears are no fears at all. All the mystery is revealed. The final destination is guaranteed. Answer the big question of eternity, and the little questions of life fall into perspective.

Mar 22nd, 2018, Thurs, 3:20 pm