Father, thank You for Your presence throughout this day – in worship and with family. May I hear Your voice as I sit before You. Amen.

Matthew 10:28-31 (<<click the green)

Like my father, I enjoy birds. I have set up feeders for many years and they are readily seen out of my office window through the long, cold and snowy winter months. I enjoy seeing many species from bright red cardinals to vibrant blue birds. Some birds I have only seen once – such as the rose-breasted grosbeak. Others I see just about every day – sparrows are a prime example. I see bunches of those – they are very common…much like me.

If I was to stand in a long line with forty-nine other 55-year-old white males, I wouldn’t stick out. Oh, some may be taller, or shorter, or thinner, or heavier. Sure, there would be differences but I would be one of many – 55-year-old white guys are pretty common.

So sparrows and I are on fairly equal ground. But what is astounding is that You proclaim that “not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.” Of all the thousands and thousands of sparrows in this world, if one falls to the ground You know it. You care enough to know. Your creation is important to You. They do not go unnoticed.

So how do I factor in? You command me to not be afraid of what man would want to do to me. They can kill my body but my soul is untouchable. You cared enough about me…me!…to give Your very life’s blood to redeem me. You took upon Yourself my sins…You paid the penalty – and that penalty was death upon the cross – because You love me. I am “more valuable to [You] than a whole flock of sparrows.”

In this world, I may be common – one of all the thousands and thousands of middle-aged white guys. But to You, Lord, I am special. I am unique. There is no one like me. I am the one and only me. And You cherish me for who I am to You. Thank You, Lord, for loving me enough to give of Yourself so we can be together not just now for eternity.

Mar 25th, 2018, Sun, 9:14 pm