It was a full and productive day, Father. Thank You for the energy and drive to get things ready for Sunday and beyond.

Matthew 20:20-28 (<<click to read the passage)

Even reading through this passage yesterday, I realized there was more to work through than the idea of your disciples listening to You, Lord. Yes, You have addressed the “first will be last, last will be first” mindset but You threw down the gauntlet once more.

Making sure that I was using the phrase “throw down the gauntlet” correctly caused me to do a Google search and here is what I found.

Today the phrase “throw down the gauntlet” means to challenge or confront someone, but in its earliest use it wasn’t meant as a metaphor, but was a physical action intended to issue a formal challenge to a duel. The word itself comes from the French word “gantelet,” and referred to the heavy, armored gloves worn by medieval knights. In an age when chivalry and personal honor were paramount, throwing a gauntlet at the feet of an enemy or opponent was considered a grave insult that could only be answered with personal combat, and the offended party was expected to “take up the gauntlet” to acknowledge and accept the challenge.

Now I realize there is no insult in Matthew’s passage but You undoubtedly had thrown out to Your disciples a formal challenge. And though they would not really be attuned to Your kingdom mindset until the coming of the Holy Spirit, they would eventually “take up the gauntlet” and in so doing acknowledge and the accept the challenge to “be different” – to be servants to one another.

Lord Jesus, may we “take up the gauntlet” “not to be served but to serve others”. You, Lord, are our example. May we follow You with all our might!

Aug 23rd, 2018, Thurs, 8:58 pm