Father, all I can say is what a wonderful day! Two times of wonderful worship with Your people and a wonderful afternoon with my wonderful wife! I am blessed beyond measure! Praise You, Father, for Your bounteous love!

Matthew 20:29-34 (<<click to read the passage)

In reading the notes of my study Bible* I discovered an eye-opening thought. It said, “The blind men called Jesus ‘Son of David’ because the Jews knew that the Messiah would be a descendant of David. These blind beggars could see that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah, while the religious leaders who witnessed Jesus’ miracles were blind to his identity, refusing to open their eyes to the truth. Seeing with your eyes doesn’t guarantee seeing with your heart.”

How many of those claiming to be followers of Christ are blind to who He is? From experience, I truly believe that to know Christ, to see Him for who it truly is, we must spend time with Him.

I know my congregations have heard it from me. Before getting married most couples cannot get enough time together. Every opportunity they have they spend in each other’s company. If one person decided that an hour a week was plenty of time to see each other, the relationship probably wouldn’t last too long! How could they get to really know each other unless they shared their life experiences together?

The same is applicable to our relationship with Christ! Now He will not leave us or forsake us if we ignore Him, but we are so much the better off if we make it a priority to spend time together. It’s one thing to see with your eyes, but quality time spent with our Lord will for sure guarantee an improvement of seeing with our hearts.

A favorite chorus comes to mind.

Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus
To reach out and touch Him
And say that we love Him

Open our ears, Lord
And help us to listen
Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus

May that be our prayer. Amen.

(Here is a link if you would like to listen to the song.)

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

Aug 26th, 2018, Sun, 8:23 pm