Good evening, Father. I am weary but also eager to sit with You tonight. Fill my heart, guide my mind. Amen.


As I prayed a prayer just between me and God before a gathering recently, a thought came to me. This group was mixed with a variety of ages and backgrounds. I would guess there would be some believers of varying degrees and could pretty much guarantee that many would not be believers to any degree.

As I prayed, those who know Christ came to mind. We probably were going to be few amongst many, and for that matter, the few probably weren’t even aware of the part they were playing in the whole. It was not any sort of organized spiritual gathering – it was just a diverse group thrown together by happenstance.

But as I prayed, as I said, a thought came to me. Each believer, no matter how diligent they were in regards to their faith, played a role – myself included. Each of us has the light of Christ burning in us. For some, it may be a flicker. For others, it might be the size of a candle flame. For others it might just be a bonfire…but all believers carry the light of Christ.

As I prayed, I asked the Lord to bless our light. I asked that even though some might be nominal in their faith that He would blow on their flame and that by the blowing, it would increase. I prayed that the increase of the flame would impact them, creating an all-consuming desire for Him and that their light would draw others to them and ultimately to Himself.

As I continue to pray that prayer, I will do so in the most assured hope that It will be answered in a mighty way. Lord, may all of our flames increase! Amen.

Dec 4th, 2018, Tues, 6:26 pm