Strength for full days is found in You, Father. The day is waning and so am I. Be close by my side as I humbly come before You. Amen.
Luke 10:29-37 (<<click to read the passage)
Well, Lord, I guess you just dropped this one in my lap… I learned long ago that there are no coincidences with You.
Today we, specifically as a nation, find ourselves in very difficult circumstances. And really difficult is very inadequate in expressing where it is we find ourselves.
Fear and anxiety are rampant from sea to shining sea. We are overwhelmed by it. It is as a flood that day by day has risen to cover our heads and we feel like we are going down for the last time. The pandemic and all it has come to mean in reality, and in the recesses of our minds, is controlling us. And we seem unable to escape. We are entangled. And with no humor implied whatsoever, we have fallen, and we can’t get up.
Then in the midst of our despair, the vilest of actions has taken place. A man’s life was snuffed out, his infraction in no way equaling the punished he incurred. And as a pastor friend of mine wrote, like gasoline on a fire, this horrific incident has engulfed our nation in hatred, anger, and violence.
People are lashing out…and it is not just over this one occurrence of disproportionate punishment. It is a result of literally generations of infractions poured upon a people solely because of the color of their skin. In this battle of racial injustice, regardless of how they respond, they have been on the losing end.
I really do not feel qualified to address these issues but with them screaming in my face and pounding in my head – and now with this Scripture before me – I must respond.
My son and I have often spoken of the inadequacy of legislating morality – it just does not work! I am sure that I have friends who would do a far better job than I ever could in addressing the insurmountable cultural issues encompassing the entirety of the black community in our nation. It makes no difference who they are, what they have accomplished, their insurmountable love, and care for those in society at large…it makes no difference if they are devoted fathers or faithful leaders in their church. All some see is the hue of their skin. And to them, nothing else matters.
In the middle of everything I have done over the last few days, I have struggled with the question, “So, what can I do?” I am a man of little significance, but I cannot just sit back and ignore the whole thing because it doesn’t impact me…at least not directly. It would be easy to think that…but thinking that is a lie.
In the proceeding verses, Jesus acknowledges the most important passages in the Old Testament Law. “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” v27
A fellow pastor friend of mine, Scott Sharps, wrote today what is on my heart and he says what must be said.

To be against one thing means we’re for something else. To love God means we put away selfish ambition. I’m against racial injustice, but I’m for loving my neighbor. Who is my neighbor? Those who are hurting and broken. Those who’ve experienced injustice, who are marginalized and unsupported.

Actions speak louder than words. How shall we respond?

How will you love your neighbor today? May we stand with those who are hurting, so that we can demonstrate to them the love of Jesus Christ. It was not popular when Jesus ate with the less fortunate, associated with tax collectors, and freed the enslaved. But he did it because he loves them. In fact, he died to show us how much he loves us. Romans 5:6 “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.” May we not lose our influence in such a time as this but demonstrate to the world how much Jesus Christ loves them.

June 1st, 2020, Mon, 7:47 pm