(October 22, 2019)

A busy day outside, Father. Thank You for keeping me steady on the ladder cleaning gutters and for the energy and strength to complete the many tasks we needed to get done!


On the east side of our home, we have a burning bush. I don’t remember when we planted it, but it was some years back. It has thrived on the sheltered side of the house. It may be buffeted some by winds and weather, but it grows in a place where the house itself takes the brunt of most nature has to throw at it.

Another thing we are blessed with is a very healthy cardinal population around our home. They are beautiful birds with a distinct song that I can readily identify when they are around.

Well, this year a mating pair of cardinals have taken residence in the upper portion of our burning bush. I saw them flitting about and wondered and before leaves started filling in I could see the beginnings of a nest. At this point, if I look to the left from our living room window, I can just see the mother sitting on her nest. And even with all the branches and foliage, most often I can just see the orange of her beak. In the burning bush, unbeknownst to most who pass by, there is life! And soon there will be more life – three or four more lives – than there has been!

Early in the biblical account, there was a burning bush of another sort and it was full of life as well! The third chapter of Exodus tells us of Moses’ excursion onto Mount Horeb (Sinai) with the flock of sheep he was tending. Beginning at the end of verse 2, it reads,

Moses stared in amazement. Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it didn’t burn up. “This is amazing,” Moses said to himself. “Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go see it.”

That act would change his life forever for the beginning of verse 2 tells us that, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush.

The next thing he knew God was calling, “Moses! Moses!” and he replied, “Here I am!” He was commanded to take off his sandals for he was standing on holy ground. God identified himself and when Moses heard Him, he covered his face because he was afraid to look at God.

God calls each one of us, as well. Though today, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, God’s presence does not fill a flaming bush but fills our hearts…and they, too, can be set ablaze with the power and might of the Holy Spirit. And as Moses’ life was changed, ours is, as well.

Moses had all kinds of excuses and rationalizations as to why it was a bad idea to choose him for the tasks ahead. But God had made him and knew what he was capable of, and though he wasn’t perfect, he filled the job God had called him to, perfectly.

We may be hesitant about God’s ability to use us, but He can…and He will. Yield today to God’s calling on your life, for you, too, will perfectly fill the job God has called you to.

June 2nd, 2020, Tues, 7:19 am