O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us.
….Your plans for us are too numerous to list.
….You have no equal.
If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds,
….I would never come to the end of them. Psalm 40:5 NLT

John 4:1-26 (<<click here to read the passage)

When I first read through this passage of Scripture it brought a wonderful song to mind. And even though I spent some time running down this path I realized I would need to lay the passage out for the song to mean anything. And now that I have, here is what I started to write. 

If I remember correctly, we sang There Is a River as part of our repertoire with the West Virginia District Impact Team of the Church of the Nazarene while I was in high school. It was one of my favorites then and still is today.

It was written by Max and David Sapp in 1969 and it directly speaks of the woman at the well. Here are the lyrics and if you’d like to listen, the Gaither Vocal Band does a pretty nice job!



There is a river, and it flows from deep within
There is a fountain that frees the soul from sin
Come to this water
There is a vast supply
There is a river that never shall run dry

And there was a thirsty woman
She was drawing from the well
See, her life was ruined and wasted
And her soul was bound for hell
Oh, but then she met the Master and He told her of her sin
And He said, “If you drink this water, you’ll never thirst again”


Apr 29th, 2021, Thurs, 8:10 pm