Father, thank You for those who regardless of religion, race, or creed, gave willingly of themselves to preserve what we hold dear. May You be especially close to those who by no choice of their own, were left behind to pick up the pieces and move forward with their lives. Amen.

John 6:15-21 (<<click here to read the passage)

I have to admit I was challenged as I sat down to write this evening. I read through this passage recalling Jesus’ walking on the water to the overwhelmed disciples attempting to row across the Sea of Galilea. It is approximately 8 miles across and they were about halfway across. And as the sea was want to do, a violent storm had overtaken them. High winds lead to rough seas and high waves. Many on board were seasoned fishermen but even men of experience can be put to the test.

The storm was one thing but what caught them off guard was Jesus’ arrival. That kind of thing would raise anybody’s hackles! They were three to four miles out in the middle of the water and there He was! Verse 19 tells us that they were [terribly] frightened. In Marks Gospel, he communicated that they thought they were seeing a ghost (Mark 6:49).

And as I continued to read the study note for this passage, what it had to say is what I was challenged by…

But if they had thought about all they had already seen Jesus do, they could have accepted this miracle. They were frightened – they didn’t expect Jesus to come, and they weren’t prepared for his help. Faith is a mind-set that expects God to act. When we act on this expectation, we can overcome our fears. *

I believe that God could do absolutely anything that needed to take place at any given time on any given day but when I rise each day, do I expect God to act? Do I live my life in eager expectation of God making Himself known to me or through me, even? Far too often I do not. I believe He could I just don’t expect Him to!

Each day I go through all the motions of life. I’m sure most of us live a pretty mundane life of routine normalcy. On occasion, we are caught off guard by something glorious or, more often than not, something terrifying. But in those moments do we anticipate God making an appearance or do we just hold on, hoping we will make it through?

Lord Jesus, I would pray that I would wake up with a mindset of faith that expects You to act! With You in the lead, I can take on anything no matter how terrifying it may be! May I cling to the exhortation You made to the disciples when they saw You walking to them on the sea, “It is I (I Am); do not be afraid.” AMP

What power and strength are found there! Help me to expect the unexpected! Amen!

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

May 31st, 2021, Mon, 8:02 pm