(Miami Mist, Golden Alexander, Callery Pear Tree)

Father, thank You for the ability to put in some serious walking with Massey the last couple of days – over 13 miles! We both need it and You are providing the motivation to do it!


I am one to firmly proclaim that we and the world around us are most definitely not a cosmic happenstance! The is far too much diversity. detail, and consistency for it all to come together on its own.

I snapped these pictures on a walk I took last week. Plants were blooming here and there along a paved path that had been a railroad bed years ago. I was making good progress and maintaining a pretty decent clip, but I had to stop and snap a few pictures – a minute representation of God’s creation!

The detail seen in each of these images reflects the creativity and attention given to each one by our Awesome God. And I would dare say that if I walked that same path tomorrow, the blooms if any at all would be left, would be but withered remnants of their former glory.

Yes, they are wondrous things of beauty but, they are also, here today and gone tomorrow. God invested time and energy in His creation even to the minute detail of life. There are portions of our world where beauty grows but no one but God alone ever sees their beauty to appreciate it. But it makes no difference for God needs no praise for those things for Him to call them good as He did “In the beginning…” (Genesis 1:1)

In 1864 Folliot S. Pierpoint wrote a hymn entitled For the Beauty of the Earth. It is a lovely hymn praising our God! Here is a wonderful video for your enjoyment. It is a bit lengthy but well worth the time to listen and enjoy. Praise our Mighty Good for the breathtaking beauty of His great creation!

May 30th, 2021, Sun, 9:19 pm