There are lots of things on my mind, Father, I would just ask that after a full day of services and taking care of some very important things that I could settle my mind on You. Amen.


For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13 AMP

This is worth sharing. I did not write it, but it was posted by a fellow school bus driver from Escondido, California. It has a wonderfully inspirational message. Feel free to pass it along.

Sometimes God wants you to keep the rubber band.

Do you ever hold onto something and you’re not sure why, but you hang onto it anyway?

About a week ago I got this rubber band. It was on my bus, and I was going to throw it away but instead, I put it on the gear shift just in case I may need it. Every day I would see this rubber band and think about tossing it, but something kept telling me that I should leave it there.

Today, I was dropping my first group of kids off at school. My normal routine is to secure my bus and head into the school to use the restroom…

As I was heading towards the school, I heard a small voice ask, “Mrs. Andie, do you have a hair tie?” It was one of my littles. This is my third year driving her. Her mom always does her hair in some cute way. Today was she dressed like Wednesday Adams and had a French braid on each side of her head. The rubber band had broken on one side, and she was desperately holding on to the end of her hair to try and salvage her hair-do. That braid was gone.

I paused my journey to the restroom and went to look in the bus to see if I had a spare hair tie. I checked my purse, the compartment in the bus, the pockets of my jacket… nothing.

Normally I have them in my purse, but I had changed purses a couple of days ago so I had none.

Then, I remembered the rubber band.

I grabbed it and went back to her. I braided her hair and secured it with the rubber band. She knew that I cared about her and that I would help her. She trusted me. All my littles know that I will do whatever I can for them.

God knew that the rubber band had a purpose. He knew I would need it to help my sweet student have a successful day. He prepares us for things even though we don’t realize it at the time.

I’m not telling you to be a hoarder of things but do be mindful of the little things He may put into place to help you or someone else.

Sometimes, God wants you to keep the rubber band.

June 13th, 2021, Sun, 8:18 pm