It was a full weekend, with an all-day bus trip and all we did today, Father. Thank You for safe travels and good fellowship. We are blessed on all fronts, to do what we do!


My trip Saturday was transporting middle schoolers to a robotics competition. I enjoy interacting with their advisor, and I have no problem with the kids either. They are polite, appreciative, and for the most part, listen and abide by the rules and regulations of traveling on a school bus…for the most part.
All students, regardless of grade, tend to lean out into the aisles to talk, play, or share some entertaining tidbit on their cell phones. I’m constantly on my elementary students to get back in their seats. “No heads! No legs! No arms!” they hear me shout. Only occasionally do I have to do so on my older students’ route. But on yesterday’s trip, I think I corrected them three times on the way up, and then after the second time on the way home, I had had it!
I flipped the lights on (which is understood to mean you shut your mouth, the driver has something to say!) and I laid into them! I had had enough, and they were going to sit in silence for a while – torture for just about any student!
After three or four minutes (and passing an Amish buggy!) I got on the in-bus walkie and very straightforwardly gave them what for regarding how they were endangering themselves. I cannot control what may run in front of me and I cannot control someone who might cross the double yellow line, hitting me head-on. They alone can keep themselves protected.
Before turning the lights off, I finished by saying I’d most definitely drive them again. I enjoy taking them to their competitions…they just needed to abide by the rules and regulations.
I didn’t say it out loud but all in all, I like the kids I drive, on my routes, and the many other groups I transport. In fact, I love them all, and if it came down to it I’d probably lay down my own life to ensure their safety and survival.
Too many times I think a lot of humanity has the idea that God may say He loves us, but in reality, He doesn’t like us very much and is actually just waiting for us to screw up so He can nail us for it. We have this picture of Him standing in the heavens, lightning bolt in hand, ready to hurl it at all trespassers of his laws.
I genuinely believe that that is not who God is. He may use things in our lives to discipline us, but by no means does that mean He doesn’t like us. His love is deep and wide, covering over a multitude of sin. He wants us to succeed. His greatest desire is for us to be victorious. And He wants us to be safe from the harm that sin can wreak in our lives. And the safest place we can be in His sheltering arms, not away from His guiding arms and gentle directing voice.
May we find the love and protection You afford, Father. May we strive never to leave Your side in all the comings and goings of life. Amen.

Feb 5th, 2023, Sun, 7:15 pm