Time has flown by over the last several days, Father. And now I sit here in our office, knowing that time is slipping away, and this day will be over as well. May our time together be fruitful. Amen.

1 John 1:8-10 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, as I have read these verses and have read the notes in my Life Application Study Bible, it has given me reason to pause and think. I have believed the different elements but have not really put them together this way. First, when You gave Your life on the cross it was a once and for all sacrifice.

And in accordance with this will [of God] we [who believe in the message of salvation] have been sanctified [that is, set apart as holy for God and His purposes] through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed) once for all. Hebrews 10:10 AMP

Every sin committed against you has been atoned for – they are forgiven. That includes every person from Adam to the last person that will be born before the final judgment at the end of time. But it is fuller than even that, and I guess I had never thought it out this way before, but it also includes every sin I have ever committed and every sin I will commit in the future. All my sins have been forgiven! Praise Your Holy Name!

Secondly, then, the forgiveness is awesomely wonderful but John very clearly here in verses 8-9 states,

If we say we have no sin [refusing to admit that we are sinners], we delude ourselves and the truth is not in us. [His word does not live in our hearts.] If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose]. AMP

So, all of my sins have been forgiven – past, present, and future – but just because I’ve been forgiven doesn’t mean I don’t still need to repent and seek forgiveness. Here is how my study Bible puts it,

“This kind of confession is not offered to gain God’s acceptance but to remove the barrier to fellowship that [my] sin has put between [myself] and him.”

The barriers we erect must be eradicated, and only Christ can do that! Lord, there is empowerment in knowing that my sins are forgiven. Knowing that You have forgiven every sin I have committed or ever will commit is…well, it’s stunning! You did it all for me! You believe in me! You want me to succeed in serving You. Lord, help me to be more and more like You. Empower me to overcome temptation when it comes my way. Help me to live victoriously because You have made it possible! Amen – so be it!

(Mar 29th, 2017, Wed, 6:46 am)
Apr 30th, 2023, Sun, 8:29 pm