Father, I am grateful for Your palpable presence in our services today. Thank You for Your word and the message and challenge it brings to our hearts. Fill us and use us as You see fit. Amen.

3 John 1-8 (<<click green)

Hospitality. Googling the word got me this definition: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.

Lord, as I read this passage and pondered on this concept, it brought many fond memories. Growing up in a pastor’s home I remember many instances of receiving and extending hospitality. I remember food and laughter and interacting with evangelists and missionaries on furlough. I remember being the guests of the loving members of our congregations – so many amazing cooks! The give and take, the shared communion with fellow believers, surely benefits one and all.

In years past, one of Karen and my favorite times was when we hosted annual Open Houses prior to Christmas. In the first 17 years of ministry here I saw many faces in my home, many of whom now sit at Your banquet table. Cherished memories come to mind, as in my mind’s eye, I walked from room to room intermingling with the different clusters of people of all ages. There was much love and laughter, lots of smiles and joy, as we enjoyed a meal together and heartfelt interaction.

Lord, opening our homes, our lives…ourselves…to each other is vital to our growth and development. As the old hymn goes,

Blest be the ties that bind our hearts in Christian love;
the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above. ~ John Fawcett, 1782

Due to the pandemic and health issues over the last 4 years, we have not hosted our Open House. Lord, I pray that this year may be different. Enable us to open up our home and may I open my heart to support and encourage those you send my way. Amen.

(May 28th, 2017, Sun, 6:25 am)
June 11th, 2023, Sun, 8:44 pm