(Even in the midst of the best times in our lives spiritually, we can struggle. It’s a part of our journey, and it’s okay. My encouragement is not to give up! Our Heavenly Father is cheering us on. Get yourself up and keep on running! Let His encouragement fuel your steps, and His love guide your path.)

Father, it’s been a rough weekend, and most certainly, I should have spent my mornings with You and didn’t. Other things squeezed into my days, and not all of them were beneficial to the course You have set before me. I’ve sought Your forgiveness and ask that You would help me to put it behind me and move forward with You. I find immense reassurance in the fact that You are always ready to forgive, and I am deeply grateful for that. Once again, I would plead that You would enable me to hear Your warnings and then heed them. Only in You will I be victorious.

1 Timothy 2:9-15 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, this passage is a little thorny and has several possible interpretations from what I’ve read. Overall, I think Paul is saying that we need to be careful in how we, as Your followers, show ourselves to the world.

It is easy to be enticed to be outward and physically acceptable to those around us. Now, overall, this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It becomes an issue when our appearance, the way we dress or appear physically, puts more attention on us and turns others from You – when it becomes more about us and less about You. We are better when we emulate You and encourage others to do the same.

Also, there is a lot of spiritual junk around us, and we must be very careful about what we latch onto, fill ourselves with, and promote. It’s very easy to go with the general consensus. The old adage, “If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck…” mmm… it’s not necessarily a duck. It may look “spiritual” and sound “spiritual,” but it can still not be the truth, no matter who proclaims it. This is why we need to be discerning, to empower ourselves to distinguish the truth from the falsehood.

Lord, help me to proclaim You in all I do with my life. May it be true to You.

(Sept 6th, 2015, Sun, 6:42 am)
Aug 22nd, 2024, Thurs, 5:22 pm