Father, I pray for peace of mind. This week has had many out-of-the-norm pieces and parts, and I am only halfway through it. There are more pieces to come. I would ask that You guide me in Your way through it all. Amen.

1 Corinthians 7:12-40 (<<click here to read the passage)

I regularly step into Karen’s 1st-grade classroom in between my afternoon routes. One undeniable thing is that her kids always have lots and lots of questions. There are different kids every year, but they always ask questions. I get a fair amount on the bus, too.

It’s our nature, especially when we are young and still experiencing new things. We can struggle knowing what to do and how to do it. But honestly, we would rather be bombarded with questions for direction instead of children running full steam ahead, not knowing what they are doing! Often, that results in all kinds of problems and predicaments!

In today’s verses, the Apostle Paul is answering numerous questions for most dealing with marriage, specifically in the areas of believers in relationship with unbelievers. I’m not going to get into all that, but the point that needs to be made is that they wisely sought out someone who could give them sound, godly advice. The Holy Spirit guided Paul in how he replied so they could be confident in the advice given.

I occasionally get questions of a spiritual nature at church. I don’t really with my kids, but I do get questions from adult friends (co-workers). I am certainly not an all-knowing guru or trained biblical scholar, but as they say, “This is not my first rodeo” and “I have been around the block a few times,” so yes, I do have some knowledge and experience, but…my source of wisdom is just as accessible to those with questions as it is to me. The Holy Spirit should be our end-all go-to, but He uses all who will listen to pass along the truth. I genuinely strive to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me. And if I’m unsure of an answer, I will seek one out, again under the Spirit’s guidance.

The statement may be a little worn, but truly, there are no dumb questions. We learn by asking, and as I said earlier, I would rather be bombarded with questions for direction instead of others running full steam ahead, not knowing what they are doing or where they are going! Far too many times, problems and predicaments could have been avoided if questions had just been asked.

Seek out knowledgeable friends, pastors, or other spiritually grounded individuals for direction. But most importantly, seek out the Lord’s direction.

James, the brother of Jesus, put it very well,

If any of you lacks wisdom [to guide him through a decision or circumstance], he is to ask of [our benevolent] God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 AMP


Nov 1st, 2023, Wed, 6:35 pm