It was a day of family gatherings; thank You for that blessing, Father. Be with us all, as only You can be. Amen.

1 Corinthians 13:5b (<<click here to read the passage)

[Love] is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]… AMP

One of the most detestable traits of Fowlers (that’s my last name) is our tendency toward anger. I will only point a finger at myself – I will not name others in my family; they can judge themselves.

I will tell you that it is a battle. I work really hard at not letting it show…at least in public, be it at work or in church. But on my own, in my own heart and mind, and unfortunately, around those closest to me, it raises its ugly head more often. And it doesn’t take much for my fuse to be lit – foolishness on the road, a seemingly slanderous remark, someone’s actions that I feel are against me and what I think should be the case.

…anybody else guilty?

In the second portion of verse 5, the Amplified Bible uses the word provoked. The online Oxford Languages Dictionary says it is to stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.

In some instances, I can stand firm and not be irked in the least…but other times, I crash and burn…and quickly. Earlier, I stated that I work really hard at not letting it show, and I said, “at least in public.” I’m not as good at it in up close and personal situations or in my own heart and mind, but I am striving to conquer that area of my life as well. My regular struggle is often covered by regular prayer.

Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong.

I hold on to those last two lines. I am the Lord’s child (one of His little ones). I am, without a doubt, weak, but He, most assuredly, is strong.

I’ve often said that without the Holy Spirit’s work in my life, there is no victory. Only with Him guiding and directing me…only with Him by my side, can I be the overcomer that He knows I can be.

Responding to provocation – intended or not – being overly sensitive and then responding in anger far too easily is my tendency…but it is not always a given that I will respond that way. God working through me is a mighty power. It is much mightier than I could ever hope to be on my own. And at the core of it all is love!

Lord Jesus, help me to keep my eyes on You. I know I am not alone, but others have to pray this prayer for themselves. We can change and respond in anger far less if we will but rely on You…responding in Your strength…in Your love. May we be victorious in You! Amen!

Dec 26th, 2023, Tues, 7:56 pm