I am grateful that You continue to patiently work on me. If people truly knew the entirety of my life, they might find me hopeless. You know me and have known me for eternity, yet You love me. You encourage me, saying, “Don’t give up. There is much room for hope.”

Colossians 2:8-9 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, You want this mindset not just to apply to Paul and the heresies that threatened the church in Colosse, but Your desire is for me to keep my eyes on You and to study Your Word regarding my life here and now as well.

It is so easy for us to assimilate human thoughts and mindsets into our lives. They are not always in error, but they can work their way in so much that where we at one time would not have even considered them acceptable, we now—at worst—just embrace them or—at least—begin doubting why we rejected them in the past.

I feel like I’m trying to make progress through waist-high pudding – Lord, I pray for Your wisdom so that I may clearly see and understand Your will. And once Your will is made clear, help me to work it out in my life as You would – strong love comes to mind, firm but not hateful, compassionate but not apathetic. Help me to be strong and courageous as well – to stand up for what is right and to stand against what is wrong. And that applies to both sides of many issues. (Here comes the pudding again!)

Side 1: this way is right / me: no, it is not

Side 1: go my way, or I won’t like you / me: it is wrong, but I still love you

Side 2: that way is wrong / me: yes, it is

Side 2: let’s hate and reject side 1 people / me: no that is wrong, we must love them – Jesus loves them.

Lord, You love all of us, not just those who follow You and accept Your ways. You love us, but by no means do You accept our actions. Help me be like you – to love others unconditionally but pointedly reject actions that oppose Your word and will.

(June 11th, 2015, Thurs, 8:07 am)
May 28th, 2024, Tues, 12:59 pm