We were able to get quite a bit done today working together, Father. Thank You for the energy and drive to do so and for giving Karen the strength to get through it all. All praise to You, Holy Redeemer!

I Thessalonians 1:8-10 (<<click here to read the passage)

Jesus, I pray that Your word would ring out from me to people everywhere just as it did with the believers of Thessalonica! May every aspect of my life be a proclamation of the victory that is found only in an intimate relationship with You. Every day, in every situation, I have choices to make – to be loving or hateful, forgiving, to pass along gossip, to feed the monster of discontent, to go with the flow and complain about people or situations beyond my control, to stop, listen and encourage when it would be easier to ignore the whole thing – and the list could go on and on. But Lord, You have called me to be salt and light in my world (Mathew 5:13-16). Please grant me the desire to do so willingly and eagerly! And as Paul proclaims at the end of this passage, what I do is all the more important for Your return is imminent! Help me to strive to make You the focal point of my life so others will be encouraged to stay true to You and walk with You faithfully. And if they do not know You, may my actions be a beacon shining on You, showing them the way!

(July 7th, 2015, Tues, 7:01 am)
June 19th, 2024, Tue, 7:38 pm