I am eager to see what You have in store for me, Father, both in our time here this afternoon and throughout the rest of this day! Enable me to hear Your voice and to act upon Your direction. It’s exhilarating to realize that You choose to use me! Thank You for the privilege.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, there is much in these last few paragraphs of 1 Thessalonians, and I don’t want to miss any of it! Paul speaks of honoring our leaders in the Lord’s work in these two verses. I feel the people I serve do so, but I also strive to honor the other leaders of my churches. I am definitely not in it for the money, but I am compensated well enough. The other leaders of my churches are volunteers. I respect them; I cherish their input. I look forward to worshipping with them each week and, for the most part, even enjoy our time together even when we must conduct the “business” of the church.

I work to live out my relationship with You, Lord, before them. I learn from You each and every day and want to pass that learning on, but their lives teach me as well. My leaders pull weeds and scrub pews – servant leadership is a lifestyle for many. I watch as they struggle with difficult situations of aging parents and wayward children – yet their faith holds. I see them valiantly fight against cancer and remain strong, though death pulls loved ones from their arms.

Lord, as each of these examples goes on paper, they are not just passing thoughts. Each one has at least one face that fills my mind’s eye—sometimes, there are several faces. These scenarios involve those who are still with me today, but I can think of many others that involve those who are no longer with me but with You.

Your faithful followers continue to build Your church, and they all deserve to be honored and respected. I do my part, but most assuredly, I have not and cannot do it alone. Lord, give us Your direction and fill us with Your love to carry on. Amen.

(July 29th, 2015, Wed, 7:06 am)
July 24th, 2024, Wed, 1:04 pm