It is beautiful here today, Father! Thank You for the blessing of Your creation, and may I appreciate both the sunshine and the rain! Amen!

1 Thessalonians 5:14 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, this verse truly shows Paul to be a proponent of tough love. In my mind’s eye, I see him as a tough nut, not one to put up with much foolishness but also one who would literally give you the robe of his back. He was a man of great love but also one who would not back down on the truth. Of course, he was just as human as I am, but he truly strove to be like You in all he did.

Lord, help me, too, to be like You in all I do! This verse pulls out one small snippet of life but shows clearly how we must respond to life. Life is all about discerning situations, responding in love and patience, for myself and others to do the very best we can, even if there some pushing is involved.

Way too often, we go the easiest route. We don’t warn the lazy – it’s easier to complain behind their back. It’s just too much work to change them. But if that is our response, nothing improves. Things don’t get done. We are frustrated. We think poorly of others and tear them down. Warnings with patience! Love is best.

Sometimes, we respond the same way to those who are timid, though their lack of activity may be due to shyness or fear of doing something wrong. Again, encouraging them with love and patience will move everyone farther down the desired path.

The path of least resistance may be easy, but unfortunately, it doesn’t really get us anywhere. Tasks don’t get done efficiently, and more importantly, we miss opportunities to love and lift each other up.

Lord, help me to invest in people with love and patience.

(July 30th, 2015, Thurs, 7:46 am)
July 25th, 2024, Thurs, 12:43 pm