I enter this time of reflection and quietness this morning, Father, eagerly anticipating what You will share with me. I am humbled by the fact that You desire to be with me. So many times, I feel unworthy; on occasion, I feel like a child who has had way too much fun in the mud puddles only to realize it’s time to go home and, boy, am I going to be in trouble… No real harm done, nothing really hurt or damaged, but what a mess! But Father, I am Your child – You love me more than my little brain could ever begin to comprehend. You get me out of my dirty things and get me into a nice hot bath, and when all is said and done, You lift me up into Your lap, hold me close, cover me with kisses for I am truly loved… Thank You, Father; I love You, too…

Lord, this is more than enough for today! You love me; I am loved by my Creator and Savior. Nothing else is needed! And because I am loved so unconditionally, may I love others in the same way – a tall order, for sure, but I can do no less. Help me, Lord, to love as only You possibly can! So be it – Amen!

(Sept 3rd, 2015, Thurs, 6:38 am)
Aug 21st, 2024, Tues, 11:14 am