Father, I realize I am still a work in progress, but I am also grateful that I am closer to where You want me to be than I have ever been. I know You will continue to work with me, for Your love and patience are never-ending. Strengthen my resolve. Help me to hold my tongue until my head and my heart for Your glory can catch up. You alone receive the glory for who I am and where I am today!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (<<click here to read the passage)

What a goal for which to continually strive! To always be joyful, praying, and thankful! As my Life Application Study Bible alludes to, prayer is foundational – if we pursue prayer throughout our days, it will direct us to You, Lord. In doing that, You will help us by guiding us to the best courses of action for our lives which will bring joy and gratitude as we see You at work in our lives and the peace we find in being in the center of Your will.

Lord, please help me to pray through the midst of this day. Draw my thoughts to You, help them linger on You. Influence, by Your presence, my words, thoughts, and deeds. May my life be filled with joy regardless of my circumstances, for You’re with me, love me, and work in every aspect of my life. And if these things come to fruition, how can I not be grateful? Thank You, Lord!

(August 3rd, 2015, Mon, 5:53 am)
July 29th, 2024, Mon, 7:42 am